One of the largest steel pipe manufacturers in Indonesia, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (Spindo), held a customer gathering at the Ibis Hotel, Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Sunday (1/14/2024). This event was held thanks to Spindo's collaboration with an distributor from Padang, Sumber Baru.
On the occasion, representatives of the Marketing Department of Spindo Hafidan Nurhasby presented technical specifications and conducted load tests of the strength of Spindo GI pipes with similar pipes from other brands. As a result, Spindo GI pipes have better strength than competitors.
This is because Spindo pipes have dimensions, layer thickness, and pipe elbows that match specifications. Spindo steel pipe has a thickness of 120 grams / cubic meter or 16.8 microns and is coated with zinc coated SNI 07-2053 (Z-12). In addition to load tests, Spindo also conducts flattening, flaring, and bending tests in the production process. Consumers can see the reliability of Spindo pipes directly through these tests.
Consumers in the Padang area can also get quality Spindo pipe products at Toko Besi Sumber Baru. The pipes in this store are distributed directly from the Spindo factory so that consumers do not need to doubt the quality.
Deputy Sales Coordinator Non Project West Region Spindo Wega Riaswanti Agustina said, the customer gathering was held to increase the understanding of the people of Padang towards quality pipe products from Spindo. This product can be obtained easily at the New Source iron shop. "Customer gathering also aims to increase sales evenly to West Sumatra regional stores through education to customers," Wega said in a written release received, Monday (1/15/2023).
The event was also attended by building shop entrepreneurs from outside West Sumatra. One of them, the owner of Toko Usaha Muda Bengkulu, Nopi Hendri. "He came to know the type and quality of Spindo products in detail," said Wega. Meanwhile, Managing Director of Toko Sumber Baru Padang Vera Lau thanked Spindo for organizing the customer gathering. "Through the event, we can stay in touch with customers and introduce quality pipe products according to consumer needs in West Sumatra," said Vera. For information, Padang has an area of 1,414.96 square kilometers or equivalent to 3.36 percent of the area of West Sumatra province.
About 205,007 square kilometers of the province are urban areas. This is one of the considerations for Spindo to expand the area of providing steel pipes to Padang. Moreover, the demand for Spindo products in Padang will increase in 2023. Thus, Spindo educates customers to find out the quality of Spindo products.
For information, Spindo has been operating since 1971. The company has a steel pipe production capacity of 700,000 tons per year. Currently, Spindo has 6 factory units, namely unit 1,2,3 in Surabaya, unit 4 in Pasuruan, unit 5 in Karawang, and unit 6 in Sidoarjo. Customers can choose GI Spindo pipes that are available in various sizes at various building material stores. GI Spindo pipes have various advantages, namely high tensile strain, titanium content so that it is strong and minimal maintenance, zinc protection so that it is resistant in corrosive environments and industrial environments, easy installation, and efficient maintenance costs.
Spindo pipes have marking specification information on each steel pipe production as a guarantee of production quality. In addition, Spindo pipe use is manufactured using precision box pipe technology with flat sides and 90 angles. Finishing Spindo products is done with zinc spray technology (Z12) so that weld marks are not visible. These various advantages are also in line with Spindo's tagline, namely "Steel Pipe Pasti Spindo".
This article was originally published on with the title "Dekatkan Diri dengan Konsumen, Spindo Gelar Customer Gathering di Padang"