PT SPINDO, Tbk. is keenly aware of the importance of preserving the balance of nature to the efforts to improve employees’ job performance. Managing the work environment deal not only with the design of the layout of industrial facilities and the control of the process of converting raw materials into finished goods, but also with the making of a sensible arrangement of spatial layout for employees to go through all the processes. In an effort to create a green environment, the Company has sought to preserve existing trees. The Company tries to fully benefit from available open space by making it function as a garden. Tree planting and preservation was organized by employees in turn in order for them to have an understanding of the importance of environmental protection in the workplace
Eco-friendly Waste Management
The eco-friendly waste management program has been implemented by all levels of the Company’s employees, that is from head office staff to workers in the factory units, by sticking to the ‘3Rs’ principle: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce refers to a reduction in the use of electricity and water, a reduction of paper consumption, and reduction of waste. Reuse refers to re-using non-industrial waste water for irrigation. Recycle refers to such activities as recycle of plastic, waste paper, and waste oils. The implementation of the activities should be in line with the briefing and instructions of the heads of units.
Environmental Impact
We recognize the importance of environmental protection and are committed to implementing strict environmental protection measures. For example, we continuously strive to minimize waste, raw material consumption, and hazardous emissions that may negatively impact the environment.
We conduct various environmental management and monitoring efforts (Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts or UKL-UPL) as stipulated in Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management and Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 on Environmental Protection and Management.
We conduct UKL-UPL procedures at all our facilities twice a year to ensure compliance with applicable environmental regulations and support sustainability efforts in our business operations.
Renewable Energy
We are committed to implementing sustainability principles in every aspect of our operations, including in environmental management. In addition to efforts to minimize waste, raw material consumption, and harmful emissions, we also focus on energy efficiency and more environmentally friendly resource utilization.
As part of our renewable energy initiative, we have implemented the use of solar cells in all units to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources and reduce the company's carbon footprint. The utilization of solar power is in line with our commitment in supporting the transition to clean energy as well as supporting national targets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, we continue to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the renewable energy system implemented, to ensure its optimal use in the company's operations. This step not only improves energy efficiency but also contributes to long-term environmental sustainability.