First Time Customer Gathering in Makassar, Spindo Partners with Welding Workshop for Customer Gathering

Closer to Customers, This Time in Sulawesi

Customer Gathering Medan

After successfully holding a customer gathering in Padang, steel pipe manufacturer, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (Spindo) held another customer gathering in Makassar for the first time on Saturday (24/02/2024). The event took place at the Spindo Makassar Depot on Jalan Ir. Sutami No.20, Parang Loe, Tamalanrea District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi 90245, Indonesia.

The event was attended by approximately 20 Invitations consisting of iron shop owners and welding workshop owners. The event was also attended by members of the Marketing Department Gigis Arinaldi Madiningnait who also served as a presenter at this gathering event. PIC Customer Gathering Makassar Spindo, Heru said, the target of this customer gathering event is to introduce Spindo products and expand production and distribution in Eastern Indonesia, especially Makassar.

To note, Spindo's depot in Makassar was inaugurated in early 2023, which has only been operating for 1 year. Therefore, to introduce Spindo pipe products further, a customer gathering was held which collaborated with iron shop owners and welding workshops in introducing Galvanized Irone (GI) pipe and hollow pipe products.

In yesterday's gathering, Spindo's company profile was also explained to the participants who attended the event. One of the participants, Mr. Ilyas, owner of Bengkel Budi Indah Jaya said, "I am very grateful for this event because we can gather fellow welders as well as get to know how Spindo products are".

To convince the participants and customers present, Spindo held a presentation activity comparing Spindo's GI and hollow pipes with other brands of pipes. This trial was carried out to foster participants' trust in the quality of Spindo pipes.

Spindo's GI pipes have a thickness of 120 grams per cubic meter or 16.8 microns and have been coated with zinc coated SNI 07-2053 (Z-12), also in the production process, Spindo's GI pipes have been tested through the flattening, flaring, and bending processes.


Not only that, every Spindo pipe product is also given a marking in accordance with its specifications. That way, consumers can choose products according to their expected needs.

With this gathering in Makassar, Spindo opens up deeper opportunities to get closer to customers.

  • Customer Gathering Makassar

    Customer Gathering Makassar

    Product Presentation Scene

  • Customer Gathering Makassar

    Customer Gathering Makassar

    Testimonials on the use of Spindo Pipe

  • Customer Gathering Makassar

    Customer Gathering Makassar

    Door prizes for lucky SPINDO Partners


For more information about Spindo products, please visit Instagram  @spindosteelpipe, Youtube SpindoFacebook Spindo dan

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