How to choose the right water pipe based on the Sch 40 Pipe Table

Choosing the right water pipe is a crucial step in any plumbing project, whether for household or industrial needs. One of the pipe wall thicknesses commonly used in industrial water needs is schedule 40 (sch 40) because it chooses a thickness that is sufficient to withstand water pressure.

Read also: Understanding the Definition of Schedule (SCH) in Pipes

However, it’s not just the wall thickness that matters; you also need to know the exact pipe size required. To help with this, a sch 40 pipe table is now available, which makes it easier for buyers to choose the right size according to industrial needs. This article will comprehensively explain how to choose the right water pipe based on the sch 40 pipe table, making it easier for you to select the correct size.

What is Sch 40 Pipe?

Sch 40 pipe refers to a pipe that has a specific wall thickness that conforms to the schedule 40 standard. This standard is set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and has been widely adopted around the world. Sch 40 pipe is known for its strength and resistance to pressure, making it commonly used in various applications, including fire sprinkler systems and water installations.

Reasons to Choose Sch 40 Pipe

  • Strength and Durability: With sufficient wall thickness to withstand high pressure, sch 40 pipes are ideal for water installations that require extra durability.
  • International Standards: Using international standards like sch 40 ensures that the pipes have been tested and meet globally recognized quality standards.
  • Availability: Sch 40 pipes are widely available in the market, in materials such as PVC, carbon, stainless steel, and more.

How to Read the Sch 40 Pipe Table

Tabel pipa sch 40 ASTM A53

Sch 40 ASTM A53 Pipe Table

As an example, here is the sch 40 pipe table following ASTM A53 standards. The table provides information about nominal diameter, outer diameter, wall thickness, nominal pipe weight, and more. Below is a detailed explanation:

  • NPS Designator: NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) is the nominal size of a pipe, typically measured in inches. This size does not represent the actual inner or outer diameter but is a standard used to classify pipes.
  • DN Designator: DN (Diameter Nominal) is the nominal pipe size in millimeters. Like NPS, this size is a standard for pipe classification but uses the metric system.
  • Specified Outside Diameter, in. [mm]: This refers to the actual outer diameter of the pipe, specified in inches and millimeters.
  • Specified Wall Thickness, in. [mm]: The wall thickness of the pipe, specified in inches and millimeters. This shows how thick the pipe walls are.
  • Nominal Weight (Mass) per Unit Length, Plain End, lb/ft [kg/m]: The nominal weight of the pipe per unit length, in pounds per foot and kilograms per meter. This weight is calculated without considering threaded or joined pipe ends.
  • Weight Class: The weight class of the pipe, categorizing it based on wall thickness. This includes standards like STD (Standard Weight), XS (Extra Strong), and XXS (Double Extra Strong).
  • Schedule No: The schedule number that indicates the pipe's wall thickness relative to its nominal size. Schedule numbers like STD (40), XS (80), and others help identify wall thickness for various nominal sizes.
  • Test Pressure,4 psi [kPa]: The test pressure measured in psi (pounds per square inch) and kPa (kilopascals). This pressure is used to test the pipe’s strength and resistance to internal pressure before actual use.
  • Grade A / Grade B: This column shows different test pressures for pipes of Grade A and Grade B. These grades indicate the material quality of the pipe, with Grade B usually having higher strength than Grade A.

Steps to Choose Pipes Based on the Sch 40 Pipe Table

1. Identify Project Requirements

Determine the type of project and its specific needs, such as household water installation, irrigation projects, or fire sprinkler systems. Identify the type of fluid to be carried and the required pressure.

2. Determine Pipe Diameter

Based on the required flow and water volume, choose the appropriate pipe diameter from the table. Ensure the diameter can accommodate the water flow without causing significant pressure drops. For example, a 2-inch nominal sch 40 pipe has an outer diameter of 2.375 inches and a wall thickness of 0.154 inches, providing sufficient strength for various piping applications.

3. Check Wall Thickness

Choose a pipe with the right wall thickness to withstand the expected maximum working pressure. For example, a 4-inch nominal sch 40 pipe has a wall thickness of 0.237 inches.

4. Check Nominal Weight

Verify the nominal weight to ensure that the pipe can be easily installed and handled.

5. Check Test Pressure

Make sure the selected pipe has a test pressure that matches the system’s requirements. The test pressure indicates the pipe's ability to handle internal pressure.

6. Example of Using the Sch 40 Pipe Table

Match the pipe’s weight class and grade to your application needs. Grade B pipes typically offer higher strength than Grade A.

Example of Using the Sch 40 Pipe Table

For example, you need a pipe for a pressurized water system with the following requirements:

  • Diameter Nominal: 2 inches (50 mm)
  • Working Pressure: 150 psi
  • Material: Steel, Grade B

Based on the sch 40 pipe table, the steps are as follows:

  1. Choose Nominal Size:NPS 2 atau DN 50
  2. Check Wall Thickness: For NPS 2 with schedule 40, the wall thickness is 0.154 inches (3.91 mm).
  3. Check Nominal Weight: The nominal weight for this pipe is 3.66 lb/ft (5.44 kg/m).
  4. Check Test Pressure: The test pressure for Grade B is 2300 psi (15,900 kPa), which is much higher than the working pressure of 150 psi.
  5. Choose Weight Class and Grade: For this application, a Grade B pipe with schedule 40 meets the requirements.

With this information, you can ensure that the selected pipe has sufficient strength and thickness for the intended application.

Choosing the right water pipe based on the sch 40 pipe table requires a good understanding of the project needs, the type of fluid, and the pressures involved. By following the steps above and using the table as a reference, you can ensure that the selected pipe not only meets the technical specifications but also provides optimal and long-lasting performance. With the right selection, your pipe installation will be more efficient, safe, and durable.

If you’ve already determined the pipe size and are looking for a reliable manufacturer, SPINDO is an option. As the largest steel pipe manufacturer in Indonesia, SPINDO offers a wide range of high-quality pipes, including water pipes with various thicknesses, from sch 10, sch 20, sch 30, sch 40, to sch 80.

SPINDO water pipes have been tested and meet various safety standards, such as SNI 0039, ensuring they are safe and reliable to use. Available in two types, ERW and SSAW, SPINDO water pipes are suitable for various needs, from transmission water pipelines, water treatment plants, to circulation systems in buildings. If you have further questions or wish to make a purchase, please click the WhatsApp button located in the bottom right corner.

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