SURABAYA - PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) has once again demonstrated its social commitment through a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program with a focus on clean water. In line with the UN Global Compact initiative that encourages the private sector to play a role in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), SPINDO seeks to improve the quality of life of the community by running useful programs. SPINDO's vision, namely “Improving Quality of Life,” is the main foundation in carrying out the theme “WATER” for this CSR program.
The decision to raise the theme of clean water originated from the SPINDO ESG Committee agreement that was initiated in May 2024. SPINDO sees water as an important element in people's lives and hopes that the pipe products produced can provide direct benefits in helping provide clean water, especially in areas most in need.
In this case, Ketro Hamlet, Petungsinarang Village, Pacitan, was chosen as the location of this CSR program because it experiences a serious clean water crisis, especially during the dry season, which occurs from July to August each year. Low rainfall, the topography of limestone mountains that are unable to store water, and environmental degradation such as deforestation, exacerbate the condition. Villagers have to travel as far as 3 km to get clean water, and even buy water at a high cost of up to IDR 250,000 every 2 weeks.
The program is run in collaboration between SPINDO and the Pacitan Public Works and Housing Agency (PUPR). SPINDO contributed by providing essential materials for the installation of clean water channels. The main product provided is SNI 0039 Thin Grade (Lgh) Galvanized Steel Pipe with OD 1' (Inch) which has a thickness of 2.6 mm. In addition, SPINDO also provided supporting components, such as pipe connection socks, a water toren with a capacity of 5,700 liters, and other materials needed for the smooth running of this project. The materials were delivered directly from SPINDO Plant 3 on Mastrip Warugunung Road, Surabaya.
The pipe installation work starts from the main reservoir in the northern part of Petungsinarang Village. These pipes were installed to the new water reservoir area which was then channeled to the houses and mosque in the center of Ketro Hamlet. With this pipeline, residents who previously had to walk long distances can now access clean water more easily.
The inauguration of the pipe installation program for clean water channels was carried out on September 19, 2024. This program is not just an infrastructure installation, but also a symbol of SPINDO's commitment in creating a positive impact on communities in need. The impact was immediately felt by the residents of Petungsinarang Village. With the installed water channels, residents can now save time and money in obtaining clean water. In addition, this program helps reduce the economic burden of residents who previously had to spend more money to buy clean water during the dry season. SPINDO hopes that this program will be the first step of many other initiatives to support the welfare of communities in various regions in Indonesia.