SPINDO Supports National Strategic Project “Cirebon-Semarang II Gas Pipeline Construction”

Delivery of Steel Pipe for “Cirebon-Semarang II Gas Pipeline” Project

As part of its efforts to support national energy security, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) once again showed its real contribution by supporting one of the National Strategic Projects (Project Strategis Nasional / PSN) under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). The project in question is the “Construction of the Cisem II Transmission Gas Pipeline” which aims to connect the natural gas transmission network along 245 kilometers from Batang - Cirebon - Kandang Haur.

High Quality Steel Pipe for Gas Transmission

Specification of Steel Pipe Delivered for “Cirebon-Semarang II Gas Pipeline” Project

SPINDO became the main provider of steel pipes with superior specifications to support the success of this project. Specifications delivered include:

  1. SAWH 20” with a length of 12 meters
  3. Equipped with a 3 mm thick 3LPE External Coating for optimum protection against corrosion.

These steel pipes are designed with the latest technology to ensure safety and efficiency in gas flow, and support project operations with high quality standards.

Strategic Benefits of the Cisem II Gas Pipeline Project

The Cisem II Gas Pipeline Project is one of the strategic steps to strengthen Indonesia's energy infrastructure. Here are some of the key benefits of this project:

  • Strengthening Energy Infrastructure

Connecting natural gas transmission network to fulfill energy needs in Central Java and surrounding areas.

  • Efficiency in Distribution

Lower energy transportation costs by providing pipelines that are more efficient than other modes of transportation.

  • National Energy Security

Ensuring a stable energy supply to support industrial and economic growth in various regions.


API-5L GRADE X52M PSL-2 CS BE DRL specifications refer to international standards for steel pipes specifically designed for gas and oil transmission. Here is an explanation of each element:

  • API-5L

The American Petroleum Institute's standard for steel pipe, ensuring pipes meet the stringent technical requirements for energy transportation.

  • Grade X52M

Indicates the strength of the material with “X52” referring to a tensile strength of at least 52,000 psi, while “M” means it has undergone mechanical toughness testing.

  • PSL-2

A higher level of specification than PSL-1, including additional testing to ensure material quality.

  • CS (Carbon Steel)

A pipe material known for its durability against high pressure and challenging environments.

  • BE (Beveled Ends)

Pipe ends that are beveled to facilitate the welding process.

  • DRL (Double Random Length)

More than standard pipe length, ranging from 11 to 13 meters, increasing installation efficiency.

With this combination of specifications, API-5L GRADE X52M PSL-2 CS BE DRL pipes provide optimal performance to support large gas transmission projects in Indonesia.

3LPE Technology for Maximum Protection

SPINDO steel pipes are equipped with a 3LPE (Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating) protective layer to ensure corrosion and damage resistance. This technology provides the following advantages:

  1. High Durability: Protects the pipe from aggressive soil and water environments.
  2. Long Life: Minimizes the risk of damage, ensuring a longer pipe life.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Significantly reduces maintenance requirements.

This project is a clear proof of SPINDO's commitment in delivering quality energy infrastructure. With the support of superior technology and the best specifications, SPINDO is ready to strengthen national energy distribution towards a more stable and sustainable future!

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