Get to know the "Sch" (Schedule) on Pipe

SPINDO Sch 40 Black Pipe

Often we find markings on pipes that read SCH-40 or SCH-80, but many of us must be wondering what the definition of SCH is?

Definition of Schedule (SCH) on Pipe:

Schedule (SCH) on pipes refers to the classification of pipe wall thickness used in the industry. Schedule indicates the thickness of the pipe wall and can affect the durability, strength, and overall function of a piping system. Each Schedule has a different wall thickness, and the selection of the right Schedule is important to meet specific application requirements.

The use of the term Schedule for piping is issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which applies internationally. Schedule here can be used as a standardized way to classify pipes that will be used in piping construction projects because it has a wide range of nominal pipe sizes and wall thicknesses. Generally, pipes with a higher Schedule have a greater wall thickness, so they can bear greater pressure and load.

Types of Schedule (SCH) on Pipe

The "Schedule" of a pipe refers to a numbering or classification system used to identify a pipe's wall thickness and its ability to handle certain pressures. Some of the commonly used Schedule types in the steel pipe industry include:

  • Schedule 5 (SCH 5): Pipes with Schedule 5 have a relatively thin wall thickness and are typically used for applications where working pressures are not very high. Pipes with Schedule 5 are often used in applications that do not require resistance to high pressure, such as sanitary piping systems.
  • Schedule 10 (SCH 10): Schedule 10 has a greater wall thickness than Schedule 5, making it more resistant to pressure. Pipes with Schedule 10 are generally used in light to medium applications, such as water and wastewater installations.
  • Schedule 40 (SCH 40): One of the most commonly used, Schedule 40 has a greater wall thickness compared to Schedule 10. Pipe products with Schedule 40 are commonly used for a variety of construction needs, including for conveying water, gas, and oil. It offers a good balance between strength and flexibility.
  • Schedule 80 (SCH 80): Pipe with Schedule 80 has a greater wall thickness than Schedule 40, providing greater resistance to high pressure. Schedule 80 pipe types are often used in industrial applications that require resistance to high pressure, such as mining or industrial installations.
SPINDO Sch 80 Black Pipe
  • Schedule 160 (SCH 160): Schedule 160 pipe has a very large wall thickness, designed to handle very high pressures. Schedule 160 is used in specialized applications where resistance to high pressure is essential.

It is important to note that this schedule has a number and varies with each NPS (Nominal Pipe Size, which is measured in inches). For example, SCH 40 pipe with a size of 3 inches, has a different pipe thickness size on an 8 inch pipe with the same schedule.

Well that was a glimpse of understanding about Understanding Sch and its various applications, SPINDO Colleagues. If SPINDO colleagues have Sch Pipe needs as described above, don't hesitate to contact us directly!!!

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