SPINDO Strengthens Relationship with Customers through Customer Gathering in Karawang

Introducing Quality Hollow Pipes in West Java, SPINDO held a Customer Gathering in Karawang

Explanation of Hollow GI SPINDO Advantages

Again holding a customer gathering to get closer to consumers, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) showed off its prowess to hundreds of consumers who came. The customer gathering held on June 19 at Mercure Hotel, Karawang City was attended by more than 150 participants. This event was held not only to continue to get closer to consumers and directly display the greatness of SPINDO's products. 

Deputy Sales Coordination Non-Project West Region SPINDO, Riaswanti Agustina stated that this event was held with the aim of appreciating loyal customers who have always used SPINDO products for the past three years, especially in the Karawang area. Karawang was chosen because it has some of the largest industrial estates in Indonesia. Mitra Industrial Estate (KIM), Kawasan Industrial Park (KIP), Surya Cipta Industial Estate (SCIE), Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC), and Bukit Indah City (BIC) are some examples of industrial areas that are the target of the fulfillment of steel pipe needs from SPINDO.

Explanation of the Characteristics of Hollow GI SPINDO

One of the steel pipes that is often applied in everyday use is the Hollow GI pipe. SPINDO guarantees that its Hollow GI products are superior products compared to those of competitors. Its durability and precision can be directly proven to consumers through flattening, flaring, and bending tests.

Member of the West Region Marketing Department, Hafidan Nurhasby stated that another advantage of SPINDO's Hollow GI product is the Lifetime or durability of the product which is longer than Black Hollow. This is because Hollow GI SPINDO is coated with Zinc with Z-12 standard or equivalent to 16.8 Micron. In addition, the welds on Hollow GI SPINDO are also covered with a layer of zinc spray to prevent corrosion that tends to appear on the welded parts.

SPINDO Continues to Maintain Quality and Product Quality for Sustainable Customer Satisfaction. Customer trust continues to encourage SPINDO to continue to innovate and commit to being the best in the future. Until now, customer satisfaction is SPINDO's top priority in making products that have always been its flagship.

  • GI SPINDO Hollow Product Presentation

    Customer Gathering Karawang

    GI SPINDO Hollow Product Presentation

  • Karawang Customer Gathering Photo Session

    Customer Gathering Karawang

    Karawang Customer Gathering Photo Session


For more information about Spindo products, please visit Instagram @spindosteelpipeYoutube SpindoFacebook Spindo dan www.linkedin.com/company/spindo

30 Desember 2024
PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) is supporting the Multipurpose Jetty project in Wanam, Merauke. SPINDO helped supply superior steel pipes with SSAW ASTM A 252 Gr. 2 which totals 3,484 tons. Through this specification, the sizes delivered include 1016mm x 16mm WT x 24 & 48 Meters, as well as 812mm x 16mm WT x 24 Meters. In this case, the steel pipes will become the main structure of the pier pile foundation which is an important part of the effort to support one of the projects in Merauke. Thus, SPINDO can provide high strength and durability to support marine transportation activities by continuing to be committed to supporting the development of resilient and sustainable maritime infrastructure in Indonesia.
30 Desember 2024
PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) turut mendukung proyek Jetty Multipurpose di Wanam, Merauke. SPINDO membantu memasok pipa baja unggulan dengan spesifikasi SSAW ASTM A 252 Gr. 2 yang totalnya mencapai 3.484 ton. Melalui spesifikasi tersebut ukuran-ukuran yang dikirimkan, antara lain 1016mm x 16mm WT x 24 & 48 Meter, serta 812mm x 16mm WT x 24 Meter. Dalam hal ini, pipa-pipa baja tersebut akan menjadi struktur utama pondasi tiang pancang dermaga yang mana hal tersebut menjadi bagian penting dari upaya penyokong salah satu proyek di Merauke. Sehingga, SPINDO dapat menghadirkan kekuatan dan daya tahan tinggi untuk menopang aktivitas transportasi laut dengan terus berkomitmen untuk mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur maritim yang tangguh dan berkelanjutan di Indonesia
Delivery of Steel Pipe for “Cirebon-Semarang II Gas Pipeline” Project
26 Desember 2024
PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) recently contributed to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources' (ESDM) National Strategic Project (PSN), namely the 245 KM “Construction of the Cisem II Transmission Gas Pipeline” with the aim of connecting the natural gas pipeline transmission network. The construction will also connect the Batang - Cirebon - Kandang Haur area. SPINDO contributes by sending superior specification steel pipes, namely SAWH 20” with a length of 12 meters API-5L GRADE X52M PSL-2 CS BE DRL which is equipped with External Coating 3LPE Thick 3mm. With this superior technology, SPINDO is ready to participate in helping strengthen national energy distribution, bring efficiency, and support energy security in Indonesia!
Pengiriman Pipa Baja untuk Proyek “Pipa Gas Cirebon-Semarang II”
26 Desember 2024
Proyek Pembangunan Pipa Gas Cirebon-Semarang II 🚧 PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) baru-baru ini kembali berkonstribusi pada Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) milik Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), yakni pada "Pembangunan Pipa Gas Transmisi Cisem II" sepanjang 245 KM dengan tujuan untuk menghubungkan jaringan transmisi pipa gas bumi. Pada pembangunannya pun akan menghubungkan area Ruas Batang - Cirebon - Kandang Haur. SPINDO berkontribusi dengan mengirimkan pipa baja berspesifikasi unggul, yakni SAWH 20" dengan panjang 12 meter API-5L GRADE X52M PSL-2 CS BE DRL yang dilengkapi oleh External Coating 3LPE Thick 3mm. Dengan teknologi unggul ini, SPINDO siap turut serta untuk membantu memperkuat distribusi energi nasional, menghadirkan efisiensi, dan mendukung ketahanan energi di Indonesia!
23 Desember 2024
SPINDO has just completed the initial delivery for PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) Project “Procurement of Design & Build Construction Services & Block A-B Submarine Pier Facilities”. The construction of this pier uses SPINDO Steel Pipe Pile Foundation with Spec ASTM A252 Gr. 2 OD 812mm - OD 1016mm coated by Marine Epoxy Coating. In addition, the Pile Pipes used are also equipped with CC and CT Joint accessories for connections between these steel pile pipes so that they can function as retaining walls or commonly called retaining wall construction.
23 Desember 2024
SPINDO baru saja menyelesaikan pengiriman awal untuk Proyek PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) "Pengadaaan Jasa Rancang & Bangun Konstruksi & Fasilitas Dermaga Kapal Selam Block A-B". Pembangunan Dermaga ini menggunakan Pondasi Pipa Pancang Baja SPINDO dengan Spec ASTM A252 Gr. 2 OD 812mm - OD 1016mm yang dilapisi oleh Marine Epoxy Coating. Selain itu Pipa Pancang yang digunakan juga dilengkapi oleh aksesoris CC dan CT Joint untuk koneksi antar pipa pancang baja tersebut sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai dinding penahan tanah atau biasa disebut retaining wall construction.
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