Again holding a customer gathering to get closer to consumers, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) showed off its prowess to hundreds of consumers who came. The customer gathering held on June 19 at Mercure Hotel, Karawang City was attended by more than 150 participants. This event was held not only to continue to get closer to consumers and directly display the greatness of SPINDO's products.
Deputy Sales Coordination Non-Project West Region SPINDO, Riaswanti Agustina stated that this event was held with the aim of appreciating loyal customers who have always used SPINDO products for the past three years, especially in the Karawang area. Karawang was chosen because it has some of the largest industrial estates in Indonesia. Mitra Industrial Estate (KIM), Kawasan Industrial Park (KIP), Surya Cipta Industial Estate (SCIE), Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC), and Bukit Indah City (BIC) are some examples of industrial areas that are the target of the fulfillment of steel pipe needs from SPINDO.
One of the steel pipes that is often applied in everyday use is the Hollow GI pipe. SPINDO guarantees that its Hollow GI products are superior products compared to those of competitors. Its durability and precision can be directly proven to consumers through flattening, flaring, and bending tests.
Member of the West Region Marketing Department, Hafidan Nurhasby stated that another advantage of SPINDO's Hollow GI product is the Lifetime or durability of the product which is longer than Black Hollow. This is because Hollow GI SPINDO is coated with Zinc with Z-12 standard or equivalent to 16.8 Micron. In addition, the welds on Hollow GI SPINDO are also covered with a layer of zinc spray to prevent corrosion that tends to appear on the welded parts.
SPINDO Continues to Maintain Quality and Product Quality for Sustainable Customer Satisfaction. Customer trust continues to encourage SPINDO to continue to innovate and commit to being the best in the future. Until now, customer satisfaction is SPINDO's top priority in making products that have always been its flagship.
GI SPINDO Hollow Product Presentation
Karawang Customer Gathering Photo Session
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