Is it Hollow same as Pipe?

Pipes are one of the essential elements in various industries, from construction, manufacturing, waterways, to oil and gas lines. However, did you know that pipes are not only round? One other shape that is often used is hollow or square and rectangular pipes. The question is, can hollow be categorized as a pipe? Let's discuss it further!

Hollow pipes

What is Pipe and Hollow?

To answer this question, we need to understand the definition of pipe and hollow first. Although the definitions of pipe and hollow look similar, their functions and applications have some important differences, namely:

  • Pipe

A pipe is a hollow tube that is generally cylindrical in shape and has various sizes and thicknesses. In the context of the steel industry, steel pipes are an important component for construction, oil and gas purposes due to their high strength and resistance to pressure and extreme temperatures. This definition is supported by international standards, such as ASTM A53 for fluid transportation, construction, and mechanical applications.

  • Hollow

In contrast to round pipes, hollow is an empty-walled tube with a square or rectangular cross-section that is more widely used for structural applications, such as building frames, fences, or even furniture. Based on research from the Journal of Constructional Steel Research (2020), hollow has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it ideal for applications that require structural stability without significantly increasing material weight.

Why can Hollow be Categorized as a Pipe?

Technically, a hollow can be categorized as a pipe because it shares the same basic characteristic of being an empty-walled tube. However, let's take a look at some more detailed reasons why hollow can be considered a pipe:

  • Basic Design Similarities

Both round and hollow pipes have a tubular shape that is designed to withstand certain pressures and loads. Although the cross-sections are different, the basic principles of manufacturing are the same.

  • Function in Industrial Contexts

In some applications, such as machine frames or cable ducts, hollow is often referred to as “box pipe” because it fulfills a similar need as round pipe, supporting the flow of a specific load or material.

  • Same Material Standards

Hollow and round pipes are often manufactured using the same materials, such as carbon steel or stainless steel with similar manufacturing processes. This strengthens the argument that hollow can be considered part of the pipe family.

  • Ease of Installation

Just like round pipes, hollows are also easy to install and connect. Its symmetrical shape makes it flexible for various construction needs.

Hollow Pipes Aplication

Various Pipe Shapes: Not Just Round!

As it turns out, pipes come in various shapes other than round. This is adjusted to the needs and functions in certain applications. Here are some pipe shapes and their applications:

  • Round

The most common form of pipe, used to drain fluids such as water, gas, or oil which are chosen because they efficiently withstand pressure from all directions. For example, for drains, sprinklers, and hydrants. However, this pipe shape can also be used in general construction, such as scaffolding.

  • Oval

This shape has an elliptical cross section which is usually used for aesthetics. In its application, oval pipes are able to be used in several furniture applications, such as chairs, clothes hangers, and room partitions.

  • Square

Used in lightweight frames, such as fences, furniture, or decorative elements. Square pipes are easy to connect and have a modern aesthetic. However, it can also be applied to automotive applications, such as bus frames, truck frames, and motorcycle frames.

  • Rectangular

Ideal for structures that require more strength on one side, such as roof trusses, bridge beams, or industrial platforms. 

However, it is possible that in application, these various pipe shapes can be used simultaneously in one project. For example, in the Lampung Bakauheni VIP Pier Garbarata Project which uses 3 pipe shapes at once, namely round, square, and rectangular pipes.

Conclusion: Does Hollow Include Pipe?

So, is hollow a pipe? Yes, hollow can be categorized as a pipe when viewed from its basic characteristics as an empty-walled tube. However, its function is more often used for structural purposes rather than fluid transportation. With its varied shapes and application flexibility, hollow is one of the best solutions for modern construction needs.

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