As one of the largest and most comprehensive steel pipe manufacturers in Indonesia, PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (SPINDO) is committed to running business practices that are transparent, responsible, and in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). This commitment is realized, among others, through the implementation of the Code of Business Ethics and Work Ethics, which guides the behavior of all company personnel in their interactions.

SPINDO's Code of Ethics is designed to ensure that every action and decision taken is in line with the company's values, principles of good governance, as well as applicable laws and regulations, including Law No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Companies. As a public company, SPINDO believes that a professional work culture and integrity are the main foundations to achieve business sustainability and maintain the trust of stakeholders.

Purpose of the Code of Ethics
SPINDO's Code of Business and Work Ethics aims to:
  1. Realizing work standards through good and proper corporate governance for all levels of the board of commissioners, directors, and employees of SPINDO, while still guided by the applicable rules as a joint commitment to realize the vision and carry out the company's mission in a professional and ethical manner with due regard to all stakeholders.
  2. minimizing all risks that result in conflicts of interest or negligence committed by all levels of the board of commissioners, directors, and employees of spindo.
  3. outline the values as the ethical foundation that must be followed by all levels of the board of commissioners, directors, and employees of spindo in carrying out their duties.

SPINDO Code of Ethics
SPINDO's Code of Ethics covers various important aspects of the company's relationship with its stakeholders, including:
  1. Work & Business Ethics: The code of ethics that forms the basis for daily activities at SPINDO in accordance with the company's vision.
  2. Ethics with Customers: SPINDO is committed to providing high-quality services, maintaining trust, and protecting the confidentiality of customer data.
  3. Ethics with Vendors and Suppliers: SPINDO upholds transparency and fairness in the procurement of goods and services, and maintains mutually beneficial relationships.
Benefits of Code of Conduct Implementation
The implementation of SPINDO's Code of Conduct provides significant benefits, among others:
  1. Helping to create a conducive, healthy and harmonious work environment.
  2. Ensuring that every action taken by individuals in the company is in line with the principles of ethics and integrity.
  3. Increase stakeholder trust and strengthen the company's reputation.
  4. Supporting business sustainability by maintaining high standards of behavior.

Implementation and Monitoring
To ensure the Code of Ethics is implemented effectively, SPINDO conducts periodic socialization, training, and evaluation to all employees and management. SPINDO also provides a Whistleblowing System (WBS) mechanism, which allows confidential reporting of violations to maintain integrity and prevent irregularities.

Through the implementation of a comprehensive Code of Ethics, SPINDO is committed to continuing to build a work culture of integrity, professionalism, and ethics, in order to support the company's vision as a trusted and leading steel pipe manufacturer in the world.
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