Good Corporate Governance (GCG)

As one of the publicly listed companies in the Indonesian capital market, SPINDO is committed to implementing good corporate governance (GCG). This implementation is part of the effort to maintain the sustainability of the company's business in the long term by prioritizing the interests of shareholders and stakeholders.
SPINDO has developed Corporate Governance Guidelines to ensure that the implementation of GCG is carried out consistently and continuously, supported by integrity, high commitment, and the active role of all components in the company. With the implementation of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 21/POJK.04/2015 concerning Guidelines for the Governance of Public Companies supported by SE OJK No. 032/SEOJK.04/2015, SPINDO continues to improve compliance with GCG practices based on five main principles, namely:

The Company provides easy access to complete, accurate and timely information for stakeholders and demonstrate openness of decision-making as well as towards disclosure of material and relevant information regarding the Company.

This principle concerns the clarity of function, structure, system and responsibility of organs of the Company. Accountability in the Company is ensured by encouraging all employees and/or parts of the Company to remain fully aware of their responsibilities, authorities, rights and duties in order that the Company can be managed in an effective manner.

The Company at all times performs monitoring of the compliance of the Company’s business processes with all applicable laws and regulations so as to prevent any violation of any forms.

This principle deals with the management of the Company in a professional manner, avoiding conflict of interest with and influence or pressure from any other parties that is in breach of regulations of law and of principles of a healthy corporation.

This principle ensures that all shareholders and stakeholders receive a fair and equal treatment and that they shall exercise their rights in compliance with applicable regulations of law.

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