Komite Pemantau Penerapan dan Penegakan Pedoman Etika dan Perilaku (KP5)

As a supporting organ in the implementation of the Whistleblowing System (WBS), SPINDO established the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation and Enforcement of the Code of Ethics and Conduct (KP5) which has the main task of overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the code of ethics and conduct at all levels of the company. KP5 was established based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 008/V/Kom-ISSP/2018, which emphasizes the importance of the code of conduct in creating a transparent, fair, and ethical work environment.

Roles and Responsibilities of KP5
  1. Code of Conduct Enforcement: Ensure that all employees comply with the ethical guidelines set by the company.
  2. Whistleblowing System (WBS) Management: KP5 is in charge of receiving, evaluating, and following up reports of violations with the principles of confidentiality and objectivity.
  3. Reputational Risk Prevention: Preventing legal and reputational risks by enforcing behavior that is in accordance with social norms and public perception of publicly listed companies.
  4. Recommendations and Sanctions: KP5 forms a Supervisor and Review Team (TPP) to evaluate reports of violations and provide recommendations for sanctions to the Board of Directors or related parties.
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